Of fans

Prompt  ….

Kapila, the reigning star of Bollywood was miserly and safety conscious. She employed Zeti (a talented psychic-detective) to screen her visitors. They were made to wait for her in this room – seldom suspecting it.

Once an influential fan forced his way in and as usual was made to wait. Mr Zeti screened the fan and found him accompanied by other-worldly beings with ulterior motives. The detective used his skills of pyrokinesis and melted the down-rod of the overhead fan.

The fan fell near the fan.

Since then all the fans are made to sit just below the un-repaired fan.

Words ~ 100
 Thanks for the prompt Rochelle Wisoff-Fields. SHALOM.



61 thoughts on “Of fans

  1. Lots of fans in the fun story!
    Btw, thanks for this week’s photo prompt 🙂 I didn’t realise it was taken in India, so I ‘transferred’ it ti Mexico in my flash. One of my colleagues at work saw the photo this morning and said it reminded her of a poor area of Sevilla, Spain!

  2. I imagine that a psychic-detective with powers of pyrokinesis would be highly sought after. Very creative take. Thanks for the interesting photo prompt this week. 🙂

  3. Pingback: Another Dead End – Stories and more

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