Prompt  ….

PHOTO PROMPT © Ronda Del Boccio
Erratic floods, superstorms, droughts and volcanic outbursts left this planet with only1% of inhabitable land and roughly 0.5% of population ( a number that many rich believed the planet of early 21st century could ecologically sustain).
The habitable parts are small pocket at the poles with wide stretches of water and deserts separating them. Thanks to the technology the survivors lived well.
Each colony is a self-sustaining entity. Vertical farms, transgenic animal husbandry and nano manufacturing met the basic needs.
A small pause and the video continued – unfortunately the average height of humans is just 6 inches now.
Words ~ 99
TT ~ Tom Thumbs

Thanks for the prompt Rochelle Wisoff-Fields. SHALOM.



52 thoughts on “TTs

  1. With six inches they need a lot less resources. On the other hand, if there are any birds left, they’d see them as a good snack…

    • That shiny grass in the small balcony took me to all the grass-lands that have either been flooded, built on or desertified. Rest followed.
      Thanks for the read and your feedback.

  2. Loved the tiny twist at the end there. I have a tiny garden and have always envied the cats that wander through and truly enjoy my plants from about a foot off the ground. 6 inches – even better!

    • Height, weight and life expectancy of populations are influenced by many factors. However, subtle changes in smaller groups could go undetected as population data on height and weight is not routinely collected for large populations.
      Glad this appealed to you. Thanks for the read and your interest.

  3. Shrinking to that size they will have had to started everything from scratch, or learnt fast to work together to use some of those old technologies and tools. A wonderful imaginative take.

    • They shrunk gradually surviving in the post dystopian world. May be it was a fractional change in gravity or the reduced availability of resources.
      Yet it would be a difficult as you rightly point out. Thanks for the read and interest.

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